Ahad, 13 Mac 2016

Friendship Never End

Please remember the time when we spend tigether...with u , I became we..therefore , I was encouraged b'coz of u , I got a chance to look at myself..therefore ,I was able to grow up a little bit more...we continue to fall down at hurdles in life...we'll make mistakes & get hurt b'coz we're inexperienced...we will also cry but we will not regret b'coz we've tried our best to be happy today..
I love U my friends to the moon & back to my heart..

Sabtu, 5 Mac 2016


Hai blogger2 sekalian....nma aku ialah TUAN NORAZIMA yg bermaksud YG MULIA BERDIRI TEGUH..aku dilahirkn pd 20/01/1997..aku mempunya 13 org adik-beradik..besarkn bilangan ahli keluarga aku...hehehe..aku merupakan ank ke-9 dlm famili besar aku..aku nie berada di tengah antara mereka coz aq ad 4 org abang , 4 org kakak & 4 org adik..aq sayangkn keluarga besar aq sgt2........tuuu jer kut intro yg dpt aq kongsikn ...adiosss dulu yerr..bye2..mmuahhh